sâmbătă, 5 iulie 2008

Mass Effect, video review

Mass Effect este un RPG care s-a lansat in intreaga Europa in 6 iunie 2008. Jocul are puternice aspecte de space opera, iar povestea il poarta pe jucator de-a lungul si de-a latul intregii galaxii. In universul din Mass Effect, omenirea este nou sosita in chestiunile care privesc comunitatea galactica si, ca nou veniti, oamenii sunt inca priviti ca o rasa slab dezvoltata si cu pretentii cam mari. Pana in anul 2183 omenirea a dobandit abilitatea de a calatori prin galaxie la viteze superluminice, ceea ce a adus-o in contact cu mai multe rase extraterestre.

Acum incearca din greu sa isi gaseasca locul in marea comunitate galactica. Expansiunea rasei umane in galaxie a fost posibila multumita descoperirii unei instalatii extraterestre (Mass Effect relay), care a permis saltul la distante de sute si mii de ani lumina. Tehnologia axata pe Mass Effect a ajuns sa fie utilizata si in domeniul armelor si al scuturilor personale. Principiile Mass Effect sunt descrise pe larg in enciclopedia jocului, alaturi de orice ti-ai putea dori sa afli despre universul din joc.


Personajul principal este commander Shepard, care poate fi ales de jucator in varianta oferita de producatori, sau poate fi personalizat. Indiferent de alegerea facuta, jucatorul va parcurge aceeasi poveste. Shepard prezinta prima si ultima linie de aparare a omenirii impotriva unui pericol la nivel galactic, ce ameninta nu doar soarta speciei umane, ci si intregul univers.


Personajul principal poate fi nascut pe Pamant, pe o colonie umana sau in spatiu. Alegerea originii lui Shepard va influenta modul in care vor reactiona celelalte personaje in timpul jocului fata de tine. Jucatorul poate alege si un profil psihologic pentru Shepard, care poate fi ruthless, war hero sau sole survivor, din nou cu impact asupra gameplay-ului.


Pe scurt, Shepard se trezeste in mijlocul unei situatii critice. Un Specter, agent guvernamental cu puteri nelimitate, pune la cale un plan de a supune galaxia unei puteri malefice - o forta nimicitoare al carei singur scop este dominatia absoluta a anorganicului si distrugerea tuturor speciilor organice evoluate din univers. Shepard aspira la statutul de Specter, pe care il obtine si devine prima fiinta umana care detine asemenea rang in galaxie. De aici, povestea adopta un arc lung al naratiunii, care aduce o multime de personaje si quest-uri secundare, explorare, dezvoltarea skill-urilor si multa lupta.

Sursa: Hit.ro

Muppets July 4th Viral Video

Muppets’ July 4th Viral Video

The Pitch: Have no idea where this comes from, or who created it, but once I saw it I knew that we needed to post this second Video of the Day on July 4th. “I, Sam the Eagle, present a musical salute to America.”

Watch More Cool Videos Here!

Video of the Day is a daily feature of /Film showcasing geekarific video creations.

Hancock is a Ssssmash (or is it?): So What Did You Think?

Since Tuesday, Hancock has grossed over $40 million domestically and is on track to stack $100 million plus by wke’s end. While early word from critics and geeks is decidedly mixed, that’s a lot of moolah for Will Smith, director Peter Berg (his first major hit), and Sony. Or is it? How puzzling that Nikke Finke says there are serious doubts circling inside the studio regarding Hancock’s franchise potential—she even compares the film’s buzz to Wild Wild West. Jab, Hook, Jab. With a reported budget of $150 million, Jeff Wells cries Feh if the film grosses $90 mill or less by Sunday. Diddy swooned and probably received a nice paycheck.

My take: the stampede of flip-flops after the holiday will remain steady, less steady than I Am Legend, which received similar “third act was wack” laments, but so what? Will Smith’s “coasting” will outperform the equally pricey The Incredible Hulk. And judging from early viewer comments below, “light fun” beats out-and-out hate.

Discuss: So, what did you think? In a summer of superlative superhero outings, where does Will Smith’s gravity-defying, comic-less street gruff fall? What did you make of the twisteroo that’s drawing steely comparisons to the guy who made The Happening? Would the film have been cooler if it was freed up by an R-rating as originally envisioned and marked by the MPAA—click here to read Vincent Ngo’s leaked screenplay forTonight, He Comes. Was the 92-minute running time too short? Was the editing botched? Is a sequel warranted? What of the performances of Smith and Charlize Theron? Does the Hancock storyline/concept cancel out “Demon in a Bottle” for Iron Man 2 as some have prematurely suggested in the preceding weeks? Worth seeing in a theater?

vineri, 4 iulie 2008

Nvidia ieftineste deja GTX280?

Pare-se ca pentru Nvidia, pana mai ieri lider de neconstestat, se amplifica, pe langa problema defectiunilor anuntata ieri, mai nou au probleme din cauza seriei 4800 de la ATI-AMD, care este foarte puternica dar la mult mai putini bani.


Ca raspuns la aceasta situatie, Nvidia va fixa pretul lui GTX 280 la 499 de dolari ( fata de pretul initial de 649 de dolari), si asa ar ajunge exact la nivelul de pret al seriei 4800 dar la o performanta superioara.
Oricum, acestea sunt aflate de la cativa colaboratori ai Nvidia in productia de placi video, insa deocamdata mai trebuie sa asteptam cateva saptamani pentru a afla oficial pretul final pentru GTX 280.

Sursa: Hothardware

Star Wars USB Hubs

Right now if I need to print something out or scan a document I need to switch the usb cords currently connected to my computer. Truth is, I need a USB hub. But why get any old boring USB hub when you can buy one that is in the form of R2D2 or Darth Vader? The good news is that George Lucas is releasing Darth Vader and R2D2 shaped USB hubs later this month for $66. The bad news is you’ll have to import them. Click the photo above to enlarge. You can also watch the video below of the R2D2 USB hub in action.

Hellboy Public Service Announcement

Hellboy Cat PSA

The Pitch: Hellboy does a public service announcement with his cat.

Watch More Cool Videos Here!

Video of the Day is a daily feature of /Film showcasing geekarific video creations.

Real Life Hancock?

Our friends at MovieMoron bring us today’s edition of LOL: a photo of a real life Hancock. And before you ask, I’m pretty sure this real life Hancock doesn’t actually have any super powers.

Se ieftineste WoW Burning Crusade

Best Distribution a anuntat astazi ca va reduce cu 20 de lei, incepand de vineri, 4 iulie 2008, pretul expansion pack-lui World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade de la 79,9 lei la 59,9 lei, precum si al pachetului oficial World of Warcraft Battle Chest, de la 129,9 lei la 109,9 lei. WoW Battle Chest contine WoW (jocul-baza) + WoW: The Burning Crusade + doua ghiduri oficiale de strategie.


Jocul-baza World of Warcraft (cutie Alliance) ramane la pretul de 49,9 lei, iar World of Warcraft 60-Day Pre-Paid Game Card are pretul de 109,9 lei. Toate produsele din familia World of Warcraft pot fi achizitionate din magazinele de specialitate din intreaga tara.

"Suntem incantati sa anuntam aceste reduceri importante de pret. Ieftinirea acestor doua produse World of Warcraft, de importanta majora pentru piata de jocuri video din Romania, vine din fericire in contrast cu valul de scumpiri care ne afecteaza pe toti in aceasta perioada. O reducere de pret este binevenita in special acum si sunt convinsa ca astfel comunitatea de gaming din tara se va putea bucura in continuare de cel mai bun produs Blizzard din ultimii ani. World of Warcraft ramane astfel lider pe segmentul MMORPG, mai ales daca luam in considerare mult asteptata lansare a celui de-al doilea expansion pack - WoW: Wrath of the Lich King", a declarat directorul general Best Distribution, Andreea Allardin.


Best Distribution distribuie oficial jocurile Blizzard / Vivendi Games in Romania, atat produsele de strategie (seriile Warcraft si StarCraft), cat si action-RPG-ul Diablo II si expansion-ul Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. World of Warcraft a fost lansat in Romania in 2005, iar in ianuarie 2007 a fost lansat World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Pana in acest moment, conform cifrelor oferite de Blizzard Entertainment, in Romania exista peste 25.000 de jucatori activi de World of Warcraft.

Sursa: Best Distribution

Microsoft închide prăvălia cu Windows XP

Marile companii şi retailerii nu mai pot achiziţiona licenţe de Windows XP, ca urmare a deciziei board-ului director al corporaţiei.
Microsoft a luat această hotărâre în ciuda protestelor mai multor utilizatori de Windows XP care refuză să folosească versiunea Vista a sistemului de operare.

Odată expirate licenţele deja contractate de către furnizorii de computere (Dell, Hewlett-Packard ş.a.m.d.), consumatorii care preferă Windows XP vor fi nevoiţi să îşi achiziţioneze Vista Ultimate sau Vista Business şi să efectueze un downgrade legal, dacă doresc să păstreze ediţia XP.

Microsoft a anunţat că va efectua o serie de reduceri substanţiale pentru licenţele de Windows XP destinate computerelor ieftine de tip Asus Eee PC.

Ca urmare a deciziei corporaţiei, un grup de utilizatori fideli s-au mobilizat şi au redactat o petiţie pe care au postat-o pe site-ul InfoWorld.

Ţidula electronică solicită Microsoft să continue vânzarea de licenţe XP măcar până la lansarea noului sistem de operare, Windows 7.

Reprezentanţii corporaţiei pregătesc lansarea celui mai nou produs al acesteia anul viitor. Până atunci, Microsoft a anunţat că va răspunde tuturor solicitărilor legate de Windows XP până în 2009. Operatorii vor continua să acorde asistenţă, limitată însă, până în 2014.

Conform CBC Canada, până la sfârşitul lunii iunie, peste 200.000 de persoane au semnat petiţia de susţinere a Windows XP, denumită sugestiv “Salvaţi XP”.

Sursa: Cotidianul

9 Photos from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

USA Today has released a new batch of photos from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Warner Bros has sent us high resolution versions of the photos, which you can check out below. As always, click to enlarge. The article also hints that the upcoming films might stray a little from the books. The idea presented is that the book series is already complete, and everyone (even many of those who didn’t read the final book) already knows how everything ends. So the films will take on different focuses than you might be expecting. I’s guessing that it won’t be anything too drastically different, but it sure will be interesting.

And the last two photos come from MSN Cine, via Blogwartz

The Day the Earth Stood Still Movie Trailer

“My name is Klaatu Reeves and I have come to Earth to warn you of Hancock.” The first trailer for December’s big budget remake of 1951’s The Day the Earth Stood Still is now online after premiering in front of Will Smith’s ne’er-do-well superhero flick. Under an icy blue tint, the preview quickly evokes Close Encounters, The Abyss, Spielberg’s War of the Worlds, Contact and Langoliers before closing in on the modern green message, an aspect that Keanu Reeves has mentioned briefly in the press….

“The version I was just working on, instead of being man against man, it’s more about man against nature. My Klaatu says that if the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the earth survives. I’m a friend to the earth.”

The special effects by Weta Digital—the emphasis here is on a large alien orb and apocalyptic destruction—seem crisp and foreboding enough. Glimpses of a cast that includes Jennifer Connelly, Mad Men’s Jon Hamm (his first major movie role) and Kathy Bates, give the impression that director Scott Derrickson (Exorcism of Emily Rose) may have crafted a classier Day After Tomorrow. If so, that would slightly exceed most fanboys’ early expectations for the film. Alas, do you see Gort? Check out the comments.

Watch the trailer in high resolution on filmweb.no.

Synopsis: Updating the 1951 sci-fi classic’s Cold War and religious themes, Keanu Reeves stars as Klaatu, a mysterious man from another world who warns Earth’s humans that unless they change their gluttonous and harmful ways and pay more attention to the planet’s needs, aliens will swoop down and destroy them for good. :0

The Day the Earth Stood Still opens on December 12th.

Discuss: What do you think of the trailer to The Day the Earth Stood Still? Does it appear to be what you expected? Will Reeves make a Klaatu for the ages? Also, Gort fans, chime in.

New Photos: Cirque Du Freak, The Wolfman, Green Zone

The new issue of Empire Magazine has a few new photos from upcoming fall/winter films. First up is a photo of John C. Reilly as a vampire in Paul Weitz’s Cirque Du Freak. Based on the first three novels by Darren O’Shaughnessy, Cirque Du Freak tells the story of a 14-year-old boy named Darren Shan (Chris Kelly) who visits a travelling freak show. At the show he meets a mysterious man who turns out to be a vampire, and Darren must leave his normal life and go on the road with the show. Cirque Du Freak currently doesn’t have a U.S. release date, but it is hitting theaters in February 2009 in international territories, so expect it around then. I’m really digging Reilly’s look as a vamp. Click on the image to see the whole thing in full resolution on EmpireOnline.com.

Next up is the first official photo of Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, and a non-wolfie Benicio Del Toro in Joe Johnston’s period adaptation of The Wolfman, which hits theaters on April 3rd 2009.

Next is the first official production photo of Matt Damon in Paul GreengrassGreen Zone. Basically, its the same thing we saw from the set photos a few months back. Based on Rajiv Chandrasekaran book (Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone), Paul Greengrass’ Green Zone stars Matt Damon as a CIA officer on the hunt for traces of WMDs. Green Zone is scheduled to hit theaters in 2009.

joi, 3 iulie 2008

Top games 2008

The Dark Knight: 100 Opening Weekend Shows Already Sold Out

With only 16 days prior to its release, over 100 performances for The Dark Knight are already sold out for the film’s opening weekend. According to MovieTickets.com, almost half of total tickets sold so far are for IMAX screenings. If you’re going to see this movie, see it in IMAX.

Bloodied Harry Potter Featured on Empire Magazine Cover

The August 2008 issue of Empire Magazine features a new image of a bloodied Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The new issue previews 45 Movies You Need To Know About Right Now, which is basically a fall movie preview.

Christian Bale Rules Out Robin For Batman 3 (and beyond)

Several weeks ago, rumors circled offline once again that Robin would appear in the sequel to The Dark Knight. It reminded me of the “rumor waves” last year when everyone in the industry suddenly discovered The Long Halloween storyline and held it up as the script to Christopher Nolan’s second Batman sequel. According to StarPulse, Christian Bale not only considers Robin lame, he has threatened to remake The Machinist as a documentary if the character crosses his path…

“If Robin crops up in one of the new Batman films, I’ll be chaining myself up somewhere and refusing to go to work.”

Some fans will be blinded by a premature warm happiness after reading, “one of the new Batman films,” but Nolan has insisted this a trilogy. No matter, we are of the agreement that not only should Robin be dismissed, the word “robin” in general should be banned from this franchise. It’s not dark enough, nor does it embolden comparisons to The Godfather 2, Heat, and an “extraordinary cinematic revolution” spelled out by 400,000 lit firecrackers. Actually, that last one is worthy of Robin. We josh.

Discuss: /Film welcomes the International Robin Fanclub’s “boycott TDK” campaign. Insomnia aside, should there by a similar franchise ban on Robin Williams? We’re not endorsing it.

Samsung i740

Samsung a lansat un nou smartphone full touchscreen bazat pe sistemul de operare Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1.


Telefonul functioneaza quadband in retele GSM de 850, 900, 1800 si 1900 si permite transmisia de date prin GPRS si EDGE.
Precesorul este unul Low Voltage, model Monahan de 624Mhz. Ecranul are o diagonala de 2.8 inch iar rezolutia este de 320x240 QVGA. Pe partea din spate a fost pozitionata o camera foto de 3mpx cu functia de Business Card Reader.

Cum era si firesc, include un modul Radio FM precum si un modul GPS. Memoria se poate expanda pana la 4Gb prin intermediul unor carduri microSD.

Desi este un telefon ce se adreseaza oamenilor de business, ii lipsesc conectivitatea WiFi, tastatura QVERTY si conectivitatea 3G/HSDPA.

Sursa: idnes.cz

Cele mai importante tipuri de matrici RAID

In articolul de fata dorim sa aratam cele mai cunoscute tipuri de RAID si mai ales sa subliniem importanta pe care o au, pentru ca realizarea unei astfel de configuratii nu este deloc dificila, cea mai importanta parte fiind alegera unei placi de baza care sa suporte asa ceva.

Daca avem placa de baza necesara (identificata prin “termenul” de pe placa de baza denumit ICH x R , unde R indica existenta controllerului RAID si X este un numar intre 6 si 10 care indica generatia) nu mai ramane decat sa avem minimum doua hard-diskuri, preferabil identice macar in ceea ce priveste cantitatea de informatie care poate fi stocata, sa activam in BIOS modul RAID, dupa care crearea propriu zisa a matricii este doar o formalitate.

La placile de baza cu chipset Intel se apasa concomitent tastele CTRL+I si la Nvidia tasta F10, se alege tipul de RAID dorit si in cazul RAID 0 se alege “cea mai lunga fasie (stripe)” care este in general 128Kb.
Odata creata matricea RAID mai ramane sa va uitati si la articolul nostru in care prezentam instalarea Windows XP pe un HDD SATA, sau sa instalati Windows Vista…

Sursa: HIT.ro

miercuri, 2 iulie 2008

HELL PACK, aniversarea lui Diablo 2

Best Distribution a lansat astazi, 1 iulie 2008, pachetul HELL PACK, pentru a aniversa opt ani de la lansarea lui Diablo II (29 iunie 2000) si sapte ani de la lansarea lui Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (29 iunie 2001). Pachetul contine ambele jocuri.


De asemenea, tot azi s-a lansat si CRAFT PACK, un pachet dedicat tuturor fanilor jocurilor Blizzard Entertainment, care contine faimoasele strategii in timp real Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, StarCraft si StarCraft: Brood War.


Seria action-RPG Diablo, inceputa cu lansarea primului joc in 1997, a fost continuata de Diablo: Hellfire (1998). In anii care au urmat, odata cu lansarea lui Diablo II si a expansion set-ului, comunitatea de fani a crescut impresionant, atat in SUA si Europa, cat si in Asia (unde jocurile Blizzard au atins nivel de cult). Pe 28 iunie 2008, Blizzard a anuntat la evenimentul Worldwide Invitational , tinut la Paris, ca lucreaza la Diablo III. Zvonurile despre acest nou joc al seriei abunda pe Internet de ani de zile, iar stirile despre Diablo III (jocul propriu-zis, coperta, data de lansare etc.) au fost pana de curand speculatii sau pur si simplu... :) pacaleli de 1 aprilie.


"Am considerat ca este timpul sa le oferim tuturor fanilor Diablo ocazia sa isi completeze colectia la un super pret. De asemenea, dorim ca HELL PACK sa fie si o invitatie in universul Diablo pentru toti aceia care nu i-au invins inca pe Diablo - Lord of Terror, pe Mephisto - Lord of Hatred si pe Baal - Lord of Destruction" a declarat directorul de marketing si achizitii al Best Distribution, Mihail Stegaru.

"Blizzard Entertainment este una dinte companiile din industria jocurilor video cunoscuta nu atat pentru numarul, cat pentru calitatea jocurilor produse. Pe langa seriile de strategie Warcraft si StarCraft si seria action-RPG Diablo, Blizzard a produs si cel mai de succes joc de PC din lume in acest moment: MMORPG-ul World of Warcraft si expansion pack-ul World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. In toamna acestui an se va lansa si al doilea expansion pack, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King" a mai adaugat Mihail Stegaru.

Pahetul HELL PACK este disponibil de azi in magazine la pretul de 69,9 lei, iar pretul pentru CRAFT PACK este de 99,9 lei.

Sursa: Best Distribution

Nou - Nikon D700

Nikon a anuntat azi noul model de aparat foto DSLR - D700.
Printre detaliile tehnice facute public azi, enumeram: senzorul optic CMOS de 12 mpx, 51 de puncte pentru Autofocus, display LCD TFT de 3 inch cu tehnologia Live View, GPS, identificarea automata a scenelor, ISO intre 200 si 6400, slot Compact Flash, iesire HDMI si pana 8 cadre pe secunda la rezolutia maxima.


Singura problema pe care o vedem noi la acest aparat este pornirea range-ul ISO de la 200 ceea ce nu va permite realizarea de fotografii si in conditiile de luminozitate mult redusa. Un minim de 64 in loc de 200 ar fi fost de preferat.

Va fi disponibil incepand din aceasta luna la un pret de 2990$

Sursa: Nikon

The Dark Knight: Joker’s New Poster

A new poster for The Dark Knight has been released on Joker’s Why So Serious website. Check it out below. Click on the image to see it in super high resolution. Thanks to /Film reader Seth for sending this over.

Hellboy on Inside the Actors Studio

Hellboy on Inside the Actors Studio

The Pitch: Hellboy appears on Inside the Actor’s Studio with James Lipton.

Watch More Cool Videos Here!

Video of the Day is a daily feature of /Film showcasing geekarific video creations. Have a video we should be feature on VOTD?

luni, 30 iunie 2008

Wall-E de la Disney, pe primul loc în box office

Micul robot "Wall-E", eroul celui mai recent film de animatie produs de Disney, s-a situat pe primul loc in box office-ul nord-american, potrivit AFP. "Wall-E", povestea unui robot care ramane singur pe Terra timp de 700 de ani dupa ce oamenii au parasit planeta din cauza ca ajunsese de nelocuit. Job-ul lui Wall-E e sa curete plantea de tonele de gunoaie lasate in urma de omenire. Wall-E a este un robot plin de personalitate, extrem de curios si ...foarte singur. Lucrurile insa, nu vor ramane neschimbate...

Filmul Wall-E este produs de Pixar Animation Studios si studiourile Disney care au mai lucrat la Finding Nemo, Cars, The Incredibles sau Monster Inc. Wall-E a obtinut incasari de 62,5 milioane de dolari in primele trei zile de la lansarea pe marile ecrane in America de Nord.
Filmul Wall-E va ajunge pe marile ecrane din Romania in luna septembrie a acestui an.

Sursa: Hit.ro

Domenii in alfabetul chirilic, araba si chineza

Conform unei informatii difuzate de AFP, Rusia isi va putea crea prima adresa de Internet folosind alfabetul chiliric la mijlocul anului viitor.

In prezent, Rusia foloseste doua domenii principale, .ru si .su, dar va introduce unul nou, in aflabetul chirilic. Decizia a fost luata dupa ce s-a demonstrat ca multi rusi au probleme in a utiliza alfabetul latin, ceea ce limiteaza accesul si navigarea pe Internet.

Se estimeaza ca numarul utilizatorilor de la sfaritul anului trecut, de 35 de milioane (24% din populatie) va urca la 46 de milioane la sfarsitul acestui an, urmand ca introducerea alfabetului chirilic sa creasca vertiginos acest numar.

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) a aprobat saptamana trecuta, la Paris, aparitia domeniilor in alfabetul chirilic, impreuna cu cele in araba si in chineza mandarin.

Daca, in mod evident, utilizarea alfabetului chirilic ii va incuraja pe rusi sa acceseze din ce in ce mai mult Internetul, este evident, in acelasi timp, ca va crea o delimitare intre acestia si restul lumii, delimitare impusa de diferentele lingvistice.

Sursa: AFP

Mark Wahlberg Talks Aronofsky’s The Fighter, The Departed 2 and 3

According to Mark Wahlberg, Darren Aronofsky’s The Fighter will begin filming this October. Awesome. You may remember that the film, a biopic on badass pugilist “Irish” Micky Ward, gained considerable traction in the press last year when Wahlberg and others compared it to a “new Raging Bull.” Brad Pitt later signed on to co-star as Ward’s brother/trainer, which was a welcome surprise after his casting debacle on Aronofsky’s The Fountain.

“I’ve been training for two years now. I’m ready,” Wahlberg told MTV. “I want to look like a champ, not a chump. …I want to do [Ward] proud. The guy did everything I wish I could have done. He came from nothing, went on to win the world title with all the odds stacked against him.”

Ward fought throughout the mid-’80s and ’90s, but he’s best remembered for three battles with Arturo Gotti in the early Oughts, two of which went down as the greatest in the history of the sport. Ward lost each one, but, well click here to for a refresher. Earlier this year, Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream) wrapped up filming on the white trash indie epic, The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke (release date TBA), so if all goes as planned, we’ll be getting one helluva manly double feature that will turn us all into jittery pacifists. Somebody combine the Requiem for a Dream score with the YouTube link above and cause some goosebumps.

Wahlberg also updated on The Departed 2

“They’re [still] developing it,” Wahlberg sighed. “If it can be better than the first, then great. I’ll be all for it. I’m not interested in going for the paycheck. I love ‘Godfather 2’ but, then again, I don’t like ‘Godfather 3.’”

Everybody wants to be The Godfather 2 these days, eh? Nothing revelatory in the quote above, but he also mentions the possibility of a Departed 3 (a prequel a la Infernal Affairs 2) as well…

“We may do another one, because it’s based on a Hong Kong film ['Infernal Affairs'], and there is a trilogy. So we may do a sequel with a new cast, and a prequel and bring back the rest of the guys…”

That would make for some heavy dream team assembling.

Discuss: Can Aronofsky/Wahlberg/Pitt reach the greatness of Raging Bull? Against tough odds, Infernal Affairs was a solid trilogy—do you think The Departed 2 and The Departed 3 will ever happen?

Lucas Admits Indiana Jones 4 Was Pointless?!

I came across this quote from George Lucas in The New York Times:

“I mean, why do we have to make another Indiana Jones? There was no point to it, other than, gee, this might be fun.”

I’m not even going to comment on the quote, because it already says everything I would like to say about Lucas.

Nokia 7610 Supernova

Nokia a obtinut aprobarea de la FCC pentru noul model pe care doreste sa-l lanseze pe piata, denumit 7610 Supernova. Pentru cei care nu stiu, FCC este prescurtarea de la Federal Communication Commission, o agentie guvernamentala independenta din Statele Unite care se ocupa cu reglementarea interstatala si internationala a comunicatiilor radio, tv, sateliti, etc. Pe scurt verifica daca un produs respecta anumite norme printre care: functionalitatea, emisia de radiatii, conectivitatea, etc.


Acest model este de tip slide, cu linii netede si suprafete lucioase, beneficiaza de o camera foto de 3.2mpx cu blitz si 8x zoom digital, Bluetooth, modul Radio FM, Mp3 player si TV-out. Este quad-band si functioneaza in retele GSM si EDGE.

Va fi disponibil din toamna la un pret estimat de 225 euro sau 350 de dolari.

Sursa: Nokia si FCC

Punisher War Zone Movie Poster

With the boffo box office and good worth of mouth for Wanted, we look toward the next violent and proud, R-rated comic book adaptation, Punisher: War Zone, opening this December. IGN received a new teaser poster for Lexi Alexander’s Marvel/Lionsgate reboot starring Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle, and besides the Indiana Jones rip-off tagline (look for future “LOL: Subway Vandals” Slashfilm posts), what’s not to like. Eyeballs equal overrated.

Discuss: Improve the poster’s tagline or ditch it and come up with a better one.

Update: /Film reader, Wizard in Tights, suggests, “I have a grenade.” Haha. Good job.

Fan Created Trailbreaker Transformers 2 Concept Art

A few weeks ago we showed you a piece of concept art created by a couple fans to show what a SR-71 Blackbird might look like as Decipticon Jetfire in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Jolin and Jester are at it again, this time they have created concept art of Trailbreaker. His vehicle mode is a Chevy Tahoe Offroad Edition. ILM should hire these guys.

duminică, 29 iunie 2008

Hunter Stephenson’s Movie Review: Wanted

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