m-am uitat niciodata la emisiunea ei", ne-a declarat Andreea.
sâmbătă, 2 august 2008
Andreea Mantea, certata ca seamana prea mult cu "Zana"
m-am uitat niciodata la emisiunea ei", ne-a declarat Andreea.
Behind the Scenes of Adventureland
As you probably already know, Superbad director Greg Mottola is in post production on a film based on his own experiences at the Long Island amusement park. Adventureland is a period comedy film set in the 1980’s which follows a college graduate, played by Jesse Eisenberg, who was prepared to spend his summer in Europe but when his father is laid off, he is now stuck at home and forced to get a job at a local amusement park called Adventureland, where comedy ensures and love blossoms.
Co-starring Ryan Reynolds, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig and Martin Star. I hear it’s more of a damedy than a laugh-out-loud comedy (ie more Garden State than Superbad), and has the potential to be next year’s sleeper hit ala Little Miss Sunshine/Juno. I just came across this six and a half minute WQED behind the scenes piece on the making of the film, which might be wroth checking out.
The film was originally scheduled to hit theaters in August 2008, but I’m now hearing March 2009 (again, unconfirmed). It defintiely will help that Twilight star Kristen Stewart plays the romantic lead in Mottola’s film. I hear they screened in back in March in New York City, and the crowds doidn’t take well to an “abrupt ending”.
Telefonul Samsung F480, lansat - VIDEO INTERVIU
Samsung a lansat telefonul F480 Touchwiz care beneficiaza de functia de drag-and-drop care faciliteaza accesul instant al posesorului in meniul telefonului, printr-o simpla atingere. Directorul de marketing al HAT Group Co. Romania, Doru Oraselu ne-a prezentat in cadrul evenimentului de lansare telefonul F480 Touchwiz.
Telefonul TOUCHWIZ are dimensiuni slim de 11,6 mm, card de memorie cu pana la 8 GB spatiu de stocare, un radio FM integrat si o camera de 5 MP, cu auto focus.
Aparatul beneficiaza de o promotie speciala care se desfasoara pe perioada Jocurilor Olimpice de la Beijing. Pretul telefonului in perioada promotiei este de 1200 de lei.
Sursa: Hit.ro
John Connor and Marcus Wright Face-off in New Terminator Salvation Photo
Warner Bros has released a new image from Terminator Salvation of Christian Bale as John Connor going head to head with Sam Worthington as Marcus Wright. At Comic Con they showed footage from this scene, where Wright was clearly held back by something as Connor screamed at him “You killed my father. You killed my mother. But you won’t kill me.” Click on the photo above to enlarge. Terminator Salvation hits theaters on May 22nd 2009.
Behind the Scenes of Ninja Assassin
Posted on Friday, August 1st, 2008 at 8:42 pm by: Peter Sciretta
/Film reader Jacob sent over this footage from The Wachowski Brothers’ Ninja Assassin.
Avantajele si dezavantajele tehnologiei multiengine
Pe parcursul ultimilor ani, am fost martorii unor schimbari majore in domeniul IT&C, atat hardware cat si software. Procesoarele fiind unul dintre cele mai bune exemple, daca acum 10-15 ani vorbeam de un Pentium 2 si AMD K7, acum vorbim de Quad Core, acestea s-au nascut din necesitatea de mai mult, mai bine, mai rapid. Pe partea de software tendintele s-au pastrat si astfel acum avem sisteme de operare si aplicatii mai multe, mai bune si in unele cazuri mai rapide.
Reversul medaliei, l-am putea asocia cu explozia fara precedent a virusilor, numarul mare de atacuri informatice, aparitia SPAM-ului, etc. Toate aceste ne complica din ce in ce mai mult viata cibernetica.
Antivirusul, in forma cu care eram obisnuiti acum cativa ani, nu mai este de nici-un folos. Acum trebuie sa vina echipat cu diverse unelte, precum antispam, antispyware, antiphishing, firewall, parental control si lista merge mai departe. Dar oare este de ajuns? Parerile sunt impartite, unii spun ca da, alti spun ca nu. TrustPort este de parere ca se poate mai mult! Siguranta datelor trebuie pusa in balanta cu consumul de resurse, rata de detectie, metoda de curatare, etc.
Tehnologia multiengine vine astfel ca un prim pas catre generatia urmatoare de antivirusi.
Momentan dezavantajele majore folsirii acestui tip de tehnologie sunt - consum de resurse hardware ridicat si timpul de scanare la cerere este mare.
TrustPort a tinut cont si de aceste aspecte si vine in ajutorul utilizatorilor prin instalari costumizate ce scad cosumul de resurse hardware si prin multitudinea de optiuni de setare a fiecarui motor in parte si a intregului ansambul (antivirus, antispyware, antispam). Deasemenea, evolutia tehnologiilor hardware face ca aceste impedimente sa fie si mai putin semnificative.
Ca avantaje, tehnologia multiengine vine cu o rata de detectie ridicata (99,8%) atat a virusilor cunoscuti cat si a virusilor noi aparuti. Numarul de specialisti ce lucreaza la dezvoltarea motoarelor este mult mai mare. Integrarea motoarelor poate aduce diverse functii ce lipsesc unor motoare sau sunt slab dezvoltate la altele, astfel de exemplu prin integrarea motorului VirusBlokAda se ofera o detectie ridicata a virusilor noi, dar nu se ofera protectie ridicata impotriva virusilor vechi de tip DOS.
Astfel prin integrarea tehnologiei multiengine utilizatorul va beneficia de mai multe optiuni, mai multe functii si tehnologii de detectie. Putem spune in final ca utilizatorul va beneficia de o protectie mai ridicata.
TrustPort a integrat pentru utilizatorii sai urmatoarele motoare de antivirus:
- Grisoft (AVG) - consum de resurse mic si o rata de detectie mare;
- Noman - consum mic de resurse si tehnologie moderna de detectie a virusilor noi;
- Ewido - motor dedicat detectiei apilcatiilor de tip spyware;
- Dr. Web si VirusBlokAda - motoare dezvoltate pe tehnologii noi de detectie a virusilor.
Pentru utilizatorii casnici, TrustPort vine echipat standard cu Grisoft, Norman, Ewido si Dr. Web.
Pentru utilizatorii business, TrustPort poate veni echipat standard cu 3 motoare (Grisoft, Norman, Ewido) la care se pot adauga celelalte 2 (Dr. Web si VirusBlokAda) impreuna sau separat.
Sursa: TrustPort
Nou laptop Dell Vostro
Dell a prezentat astazi noul model de notebook care face parte din seria “Vostro” si care este complet configurabil pe site-ul producatorului.
Acest aparat, de ce sa nu recunoastem, este un produs de top, cu un design foarte interesant si cu un pret destul de convenabil.
Configuratia de baza care are pretul de 899 de dolari este alcatuita ( firesc), numai din componente de ultima generatie si regasim: procesor Core 2 Duo, 2GB de memorie RAM, hard-disk de 160 de GB, si placa video Nvidia GeForce 8400M
Sursa: Dell
Problele mari pentru Nvidia: serii intregi de placi video defecte
Dupa cum am informat si cu putina vreme in urma, Nvidia a recunoscut ca are unele probleme cu chipuri grafice care au intrat in componenta diferitelor notebookuri.
Acum suntem in masura sa va prezentam intreaga informatie care este cel putin ingrijoratoare, adica fiecare chip grafic GeForce 8600M si 8400M sunt defecte…
In plus sunt afectate chiar si produse din seria 7000 si 6000 alaturi de Quadro NVS 135M si FX 360M.
Deocamdata aceste informatii nu sunt confirmate oficial de Nvidia, insa cu siguranta ca un sambure de adevar exista si cel mai bine asteptam declaratia firmei, pentru a cunoaste exact datale problemei.
Sursa: Engadget
vineri, 1 august 2008
joi, 31 iulie 2008
TRON 2: The Story Behind the Comic Con Teaser Trailer
The biggest shocker at Comic Con was the premiere of a 3-minute trailer for Tron 2. The reason why it was such a shocker is that, as far as anyone knew, the film hadn’t even gone into production. But the trailer featured a fantastic completed lightcycle chase. So how did it come to be?
Jim Hill explains all the behind the scenes happenings of this project in detail on his blog, but here is the basic details: John Lasseter got behind the project. Disappointed with the direction Steve Lisberger was going in, Lasseter hired Lost writers Eddie Kitsis & Adam Horowitz to overhaul the screenplay. And as we reported a while back, the mouse house hired commercial director Joseph Kosinski (you can see some of his fantastic work here) to helm the project.
But the guys at Disney weren’t yet convinced that Kosinski’s vision of Tron 2 would be commercially viable. So Kosinski spent six months with Digital Domain creating the three-minute-long sequence which was shown at Comic Con as a teaser trailer. And judging by the fan reaction at the Con, I’m guessing that Disney will fast track the sequel into production to meet the announced 2011 release date.Eric Tan’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Poster
We first discovered Eric Tan through a cool UFA German inspired X-Men cinema poster he created for a Stan Lee art show event. We were lucky enough to score a print of this, and it sits framed on the wall next to my computer. Tan has done some incredible design work for Pixar which we’ve spotlighted in the past. Tan is doing a series of Indiana Jones movie posters for Acme Archives (check out his kick ass Raiders poster). The second poster in the series, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, is now available for $150.00 unframed.
Tan writes: “Of the first 3 films, it’s the one I’ve seen the least so I had to go back and watch it a bunch of times as a refresher. As a kid, I remembered it as being my least favorite of the series, but It’s pretty kick-ass when you’re older and haven’t seen it for a while. So much is packed into it. At times, it might feel a bit segmented and even rushed once the action gets going in the mines, but it’s still better than 98% of the films they make nowadays.” … “I ended up adding a bunch of elements that tied it more into the Raiders poster such as the logo, the limited color scheme, the large ‘head’ in the upper right, the little ‘filmed in color’ banner, and the action scene at the bottom right. I figured these changes would make a more cohesive series in the end. Throughout the design process, I constantly move things around to find that balance. Short Round and Willie moved from right to left, top to bottom, and I even separated them where she was on the upper right and he was at the bottom where the mine cars are.”
Check out Tan’s initial sketch after the jump.
Bruce Willis s-a infuriat si a stropit cu apa paparazzi
Bruce Willis, celebrul actor din seria "Die Hard", a stropit cu apa masina unor fotografi care incercau sa ii faca poze in momentul in care iesea dintr-un spital. Actorul si-a iesit din fire cand paparazzi s-au apropiat prea mult de el pentru a-l fotografia si a turnat o sticla de apa pe una dintre masinile acestora.
Fotografii au fost incantati de gestul lui Willis, intrucat au reusit sa surprinda momentul in care acesta stropea masina cu apa. Acesta nu este primul conflict al lui Willis cu paparazzi.
In 2006, actorul a fost dat in judecata de un fotograf de la un ziar de scandal pentru ca Willis l-ar fi lovit cu aparatul de filmat in fata, dupa ce a incercat sa-l fotografieze in fata unui restaurant din Los Angeles.
Desi nu este un fan al publicatiilor cu stiri despre vedete, atunci a fost pentru prima data cand Willis, in varsta de 53 de ani, a fost acuzat de comportament violent.
Sursa: Mediafax
Cd Key KeyGen Serials Adobe PhotoShop CS3
Cd Key Serials Norton Internet Security 2008
Delia canta la nunta Andrei
Nu trebuie sa le demonstrez nimic barbatilor!
In timp ce toata lumea se agita pentru lansarea postului GSP, prezentatoarea stirilor sportive de la Antena 3 isi vede linistita de treaba. Ca si colegele ei de trust, Raluca Lazarut a fost ofertata sa colaboreze cu noul post insa a avut de ales.
Bosii de la Antena 3 i-au dau un ultimatul - ori GSP, ori Antena 3. Iar Raluca a hotarat sa ramana pe loc. Motivele ei sunt cat se poate de justificate. Pe langa faptul ca jurnalele de la Antena 3 sunt mai rare si mai consistente, in timp ce la GSP i-ar putea ocupa si o zi intreaga, stirista este convinsa ca prezenta ei nu ar fi foarte agreata intr-o redactie de barbati. "Aici imi este foarte bine. Colectivul e minunat. De ce sa vreau sa o iau de la zero? Sunt convinsa ca acolo as avea mult de munca sa ii conving pe barbatii din redactie ca, desi sunt femeie, sunt in stare sa fac un direct sau o editie speciala atunci cand este nevoie. Si sunt convinsa ca as fi ultima persoana la care s-ar gandi la nevoie. Asa ca, de ce trebuie sa le demonstrez lor ceva, atata timp cat, in momentul de fata, sefii mei stiu ca ma descurc si-mi dau frecvent astfel de sarcini?!", marturiseste Raluca.
Ghostbuster 3 Casting
Don’t believe those Ghostbuster rumors… A new live-action Ghostbusters film is not in the works. A rumor has been circulating the interwebs that Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson had signed on to return for a third film where they would hand off the Ghostbusting duties to the Judd Apatow crew of Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, and Romany Malco. I’ll admit, that it doesnt sound like a bad idea, at least in best case scenario terms, but it’s completely untrue.
The Ghostbuster 3 rumors began at WonderCon 2008, where an advertisement in the program promised a big Ghostbusters related announcement in San Diego. The announcement never happened, but was expected to be the Ghostbusters video game. But even that is on hiatus now as part of the recently announced Activision cuts. The planned announcement, combined with a Ghostbusters fan contest fueled the current rumor.
Sony Developing Venom Spin-Off Movie
Sony is considering making a Spider-Man spin-off movie based on the popular villain Venom. The company had previously commissioned Jacob Estes (Mean Creek) to pen a take, but is now considering going in a completely different direction according to The Hollywood Reporter. They are seeking new writers for an entirely new draft, and are also supposedly looking at replacing Topher Grace, who played the role in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. Sony is still hoping to release a fourth Spider-Man film in 2011. Raimi confirmed at Comic Con that he is still waiting to read the script. Basically, Sony is looking to squeeze as much out of their deal with Marvel as they can.
Comic Book movies are hot again, and Marvel’s option of the film rights to Spider-Man also give Sony the ability to to produce spin-off films based on the characters in that universe. I think hiring someone other than Topher for the role is a smart move. They really need to do everything they can to differentiate the spin-off from the lackluster third film. When I was younger, and had more time to read comics, Venom was one of my favorites. But never once did I actually buy an issue of the Venom spin-off series, because I never thought it would be that interesting. And my thoughts are virtually the same on a Venom spin-off film. Venom is one of those baddies who is only as interesting as his opponent. And I’m pretty sure this project would be Spidey-free.
New Set Photos: Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
We just recieved a batch of new behind the scenes photos from Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, including our first look at Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog (seen below).
Mouse anti-bacterii de la BenQ
BenQ lanseaza in luna august un mouse care ofera protectie importiva bacteriilor.
Modelul cu laser L450 a fost special creat pentru notebook-uri si are un senzor de 1.600 DPI.
Mouse-ul BenQ L450 ofera protectie impotriva bacteriilor prin intermediul tehnologiei "Anti-Virus Nano-Coating", ce are capacitatea de a intarzia inmultirea bacteriilor si de a dezinfecta suprafetele prin intermediul nano-tehnologiei. Produsul va ajunge pe rafturile magazinelor din Rominia la pretul de 49lei.
Sursa: BenQ/Hit.ro
Race To Witch Mountain Logo and Teaser Site Launched
Disney has launched an official teaser website for the reboot of Race to Witch Mountain. Our friend Mike was really surprised at the footage that premiered at Comic Con. I decided to skip the panel and apparently missed out, which is a shame since I loved the original Witch Mountain movies as a kid.
The Wolfman Comic Con Footage
Universal premiered an extended trailer for The Wolfman at Comic Con this weekend? We told you the footage actually made us excited to see the film… Now you can check it out yourself. TrailerAddict has gotten their hands on a copy, watch it while you still can.
Cei patru muschetari din comunicatiile mioritice
Companiile de telecomunicatii Orange,Vodafone, Cosmote si RCS&RDS s-au aliat intr-un grup pentru a ataca in contencios administrativ si fiscal actul normativ care reglemeteaza acordarea unei licente nationale de utilizare a frecventelor 410-415 MHz si 420-425 MHz, care permite furnizarea de comunicatii mobile in banda larga.
Cei patru operatori solicita suspendarea executarii HG 61/2008 privind procedura de selectie a licentei de telecomunicatii.
"Contestam actul normativ din doua motive. Primul este cuantumul licentei de utilizare a frecventelor 410-415 MHz si 420-425 MHz, pe care il consideram discriminatoriu si neproportional cu celelalte taxe de licenta de comunicatii mobile achitate pana in prezent de operatori. In al doilea rand, credem ca eliminarea din competitie a celorlalti operatori care detin o licenta de telefonie mobila, asa cum prevede actul normativ, este o masura discriminatorie", a declarat, directorul de dezvoltare al RCS&RDS, Valentin Popoviciu.
Potrivit actului normativ, la procedura de selectie nu pot participa operatorii care detin cel putin o licenta nationala de comunicatii mobile, inclusiv de banda larga, si care furnizeaza sau pot furniza retele si servicii de comunicatii mobile substituibile cu cele ce pot fi furnizate prin utilizarea frecventelor 410-415 MHz si 420-425 MHz.
Orange Romania si Vodafone Romania detin licente GSM 900 si IMT 2000/UMTS din 1996, respectiv din 2004. Prin intermediul licentei IMT 2000/UMTS sunt furnizate serviciile de comunicatii de generatia a treia (3G).
Telemobil furnizeaza serviciul Zapp Mobile din decembrie 2001 in baza unei licente CDMA 450, iar in octombrie 2006 a castigat una din ultimele doua licente 3G scoase la licitatie de stat, alaturi de RCS&RDS.
Cosmote Romania detine o licenta GSM 900 si una GSM 1800.
Taxa de licenta pentru utilizarea benzilor de frecvente 410-415 MHz si 420-425 MHz se ridica la 1.077.228 euro (echivalentul in lei).
Spre comparatie, taxa de utilizare pentru ultimele doua licente pentru serviciile de comuncatii din generatia a treia (3G) se ridica la 35 milioane de dolari.
Sursa: Mediafax
China restrictioneaza accesul la internet pe durata JO
Accesul la internet pe durata Jocurilor Olimpice din China din perioada 8 – 24 August vor fi limitare si chiar cenzurate.
Desi initial oficialii de la Beijing promisesera ca mass-media va avea acces total la internet, acum, cu cateva zile inainte de inagurarea JO, revin cu o modificare prin care cenzureaza accesul la pagini ce contin informatii despre miscarea spirituala Falungong. Aceasta miscare spirituala este puternic criticata de Beijing si interzisa in China.
Mai mult, Comitetul Chinez de Organizare a tinut sa precizeze ca vor fi si alte site-uri restrictionate presei fara a le mentiona.
'In timpul Jocurilor Olimpice, noi vom furniza un acces la Internet suficient pentru jurnalisti', a declarat Sun Weide, purtator de cuvant al comitetului de organizare a Olimpiadei de vara.
Saptamana aceasta la Centrul principal de Presa nu au putut fi deschise site-urile non-guvernamentale printre care si cel al “Amnesty International” precum si site-urile care contineau in adresa cuvantul “Tibet”.
La Jocurile Olimpice vor fi acreditati peste 5000 de jurnalisti straini ce vor dori sa transmita informatii atat legate de evenimentele sportive cat si de regimul politic, problemele cotidiene sau respectarea drepturilor omului.
Sursa: Hit.ro