sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009

First Costumed Tron 2 Actor Revealed

Tron 2 set photo

I don’t normally post photos of extras on movie sets but its been a slow news day due to the holiday. Also, when it comes to a high profile sequel, I’ll pretty much share every last bit.

As you probably know, Disney’s Tron sequel is currently shooting in Vancouver. /Film reader Mark P sent in this photo of an extra on the set. It was taken a couple days ago when the film was shooting downtown. I have no further details to dispense. They’ve been shooting sequences which take place in “the real world”, or more specifically New York City. Yesterday we posted a set photo showing a building with the ENCom logo, and our scooper reported seeing “tons of police cars chasing a guy hanging on to the top of a taxi.”

I’m actually not even sure the person pictured is an extra or a co-starring cast member. For all I know, the guy in the Blue spandex could be Garrett Hedlund, who plays Kevin Flynn’s son Sean in the sequel. Who knows?

Tips & Tricks: Functia de overburn in suita Nero Burning Rom

Astazi vom arata ceea ce trebuie sa faceti in momentul in care aveti un fisier foarte mare, de exemplu un film, pe care aveti nevoie sa il scrieti pe un dvd sau pe un cd si nu mai aveti timp sa il comprimati sau sa il modificati.

Cu ajutorului programului binecunoscut Nero, se poate scrie putin mai multa informatie pe orice CD sau DVD, cu respectarea anumitor conditii adica folosirea unei viteze cat mai mici de scriere, si sa nu depasiti cativa mega de informatie "in plus".

Puteti urmari detaliat cum puteti efectua aceasta operatiune in materialul video de mai sus.

Microsoft va plati 388 milioane dolari pentru folosirea ilegala de software

Pentru faptul ca a folosit o inventie brevetata de o companie din Singapore, compania Microsoft va trebui sa plateasca acesteia suma de 388 de milioane de dolari.

Este vorba de un produs cu ajutorul caruia se detecteaza piratarea de software, despre care compania Uniloc a anuntat ca gigantul american l-a folosit fara drepturi, aducandu-i acesteia din urma miliarde de dolari.

Procesul dintre cele doua companii a inceput inca din luna octombrie a anului 2003 si a vizat sistemul de operare Windows XP si o parte din suita Office.

Din pacate, verdictul juriului a fost impotriva Microsoft, compania aratandu-se intrigata de hotararea instantei si a sustinut ca s-a folosit de alte metode pentru inregistrarea produselor software. Evident, un purtator de cuvant al companiei americane a declarat ca Microsoft va face recurs.

Avand in vedere ca profitul net al companiei a depasit 4 miliarde de dolari in trimestrul al doilea fiscal din acest an, unele guri rele sustin ca cele 388 de milioane de dolari ar insemna un fleac pentru potentialul Microsoft.

joi, 9 aprilie 2009

Acer Aspire Timeline – puternic, usor, subtire si economic

Acer a anuntat noua serie de notebook-uri Aspire Timeline, dispononibila in variantele de 13.3-inch, 14 inch si 15.6 inch.

Aspire Timeline masoara doar 24mm si cantareste 1.6 kg.

Dotarile sunt de top, respectiv: CPU Intel ULV Core 2 Duo SU9400 sau Core 2 Solo SU3500, memorie maxima 8GB DDR3, pana la 500Gb HDD-ul sau varianta SSD cu 80GB si placa video Intel GMA 4500MHD.

Vine cu un sistem de iluminare a matritei LCD bazata pe tehnologie LED, rezolutie maxima 1366x768 pixeli, camera web, Dolby Sound Room, WiFi / WiMax si optional 3G/HSDPA.

Consumul de energie este cu pana la 33% mai redus decat in cazul notebookurilor obisnuite iar legat de preturile, acestea vor varia in functie de diagonala si rezolutie in intervalul 2200 – 2800 lei.

Sony VAIO – Crocodile Edition

Sony a lansat in Japonia noua serie de notebook-uri VAIO type C Crocodile Edition.

Crocodile Edition este o serie limitata ce aduce pe langa designul modern si o carcasa imbracata in piele de crocodil in culorile rosu, roz si maro.

Acest model de Vaio va fi echipat cu procesor Intel Core 2 Duo, memorie de pana la 8Gb, HDD de pana la 500Gb si placa video nVidia 9300M GS

Display-ul este de 14.1 inch, 1280x800 pixeli, WiFi 300mbps si Bluetooth. Sistemul de operare preinstalat este Windows Vista.

Pretul recomandat de vanzare este de 104,800 Yeni, aprox 3300 lei.

Seful Google nu mai da sperante presei clasice

La o zi dupa ce Assoiciated Press (AP) a avertizat ca va chema in instanta site-urile care publica articolele sale sau ale ziarelor asociate, fara permisiune, Eric Schimidt, CEO al Google avertizeaza presa scrisa sa fie mai curajoasa in ceea ce priveste noile tehnologii si sa-si imbunatateasca site-urile, care sunt in prezent foarte lente.

Acesta sustine ca Google se orienteaza in functie de dorintele consumatorilor, iar agregatoarele de stiri, gen Google News, sunt viitorul, chiar daca majoritatea publicatiilor clasice se arata nemultumite de acest fapt.

AP spune ca nu vrea ca altii sa profite de munca lor, in mod ilegal, dar nu a dat nume de site-uri. Totusi, unii directori de ziare au facut referire clara la agregatorul de stiri Google News care include si articole ale agentiei si ziarelor asociate.

Seful Google a spus ca are un contract de multe milioane de dolari cu AP si colaborarea trebuie sa continuie cu succes. In plus, el spune ca, desi cateva ziare s-au inchis, viitorul presei scrise nu e sumbru. Pe de alta parte, Schmidt crede ca in prezent consumatorii de stiri pe internet nu vor sa plateasca pentru ele, iar site-urile trebuie sa se bazeze pe foarte multa publicitate.

Presa scrisa, spune Schmidt, trebuie sa-si schimbe modelul de afaceri si sa tina mai mult cont de ceea ce vor cititorii. Google tine cont si are succes, si de aceea creste atat de repede, adauga el.

Mai multi sefi de ziare din SUA au acuzat Google ca include publicatiile in agregatorul Google News, fara a imparti cu ele veniturile din publicitate.

marți, 7 aprilie 2009

Garry Shandling Cast in Iron Man 2

garry shandling iron man

When Jon Favreau described the first day of principal photography on Iron Man 2 as “It’s like we picked up where we left off” he wasn’t kidding. IESB has learned that the scene that was shot is a continuation of the final scene of the first Iron Man film, where Tony Stark reveals to the world that “I Am Iron Man.” We can only assume that the new scene opens the sequel.

Earlier this week, Robert Downey Jr revealed that comedian/actor Garry Shandling had been cast in the film. Shandling plays either a reporter or Senator (I know, big difference — chances are he wears a suit) and appears in the extended sequence.

A aparut PC-ul Obama…

O companie din Taiwan a recurs la o motoda putin mai neobisnuita de a-si promova produsul, aceea de a imprumuta numele unei persoane publice, iar persoana aleasa pentru aceasta “promovare” a fost nimeni alta decat presedintele nou ales al SUA – adica Barrack Obama.

Dar din pacate, singurul element deosebit este acesta, pentru ca sistemul este destul de standard ca sa-I spunem asa, are un procesor Intel ATOM ( N230), 2GB de memorie RAM, un hard-disk de 500 de GB si 4 porturi USB.
Momentan, “Obama PC” este la vanzare numai in Taiwan, la un pret de 242 de dolari americani.

HDD Docking station

Acesta cred ca este singurul gadget cu adevarat util oricarui detinator de computer.

Vorbim aici despre un docking station ce indeplineste simultan mai multe functii:
• HDD SATA dock
• Boxe stereo – putere 3 W
• USB Hub 2.0 – 2 conectori

Dock-ul de HDD-uri este compatibil cu ambele variante de hard disk-uri, respectiv 2.5-inch si 3.5-inch cu conector SATA.

Interesant este faptul ca docking-stationul este dotat cu o placa de sunte cu conector USB ce va permite sa ascula muzica chiar si de la un calculator ce nu este echipat de placa audio.

Are suplimentar conector de casti cu microfon si este compatibil cu aplicatii de genul Skype, Google Talk sau MSN.

Functioneaza pe platformaWindows 2000, XP, Vista sau Mac OS 9.X

Pretul de vanzare este 59$ sau 180 lei.

luni, 6 aprilie 2009

Remake of Stephen King’s It will be Rated-R and Set in the Mid-1980’s

stephen King's it

Screenwriter Dave Kajganich tells Dread Central that the big screen remake of Stephen King’s It will be “set in the mid-1980s and in the present almost equally — mirroring the twenty-odd-year gap King uses in the book”. But more importantly, the film “will not be PG-13. This will be R.” Kajganich explains that the R-Rating “means we can really honor the book and engage with the traumas (both the paranormal ones and those they deal with at home and school) that these character endure.”

Of course, the book is 1,104 pages and Kajganich confirms that Warner Bros wants to adapt the novel for a single film, which means a lot of the source material will have to be cut. The television movie was criticized for being vastly different from the book in order to keep the running time down to 192 minutes. I seriously doubt the theatrical film version will be even close to that long. Two of the other big criticisms of the television movie were that it had been sanitized for public airing (sex/violence) and suffered from budgetary limitations. From the sound of it, the new film will address some of those concerns.

Gavin Hood Disputes Wolverine Rumors


X-Men Origins: Wolverine director Gavin Hood is finally speaking publicly about the highly circulated rumors that the film production suffered from constant interference from Fox Chairman Tom Rothman. While Hood admits that he “didn’t always agree” with Rothman, he claims that he “never had a stand-up fight” with Rothman.

“I am very fond of Tom. We didn’t always agree. We certainly never yelled at each other. Some of these fan sites have really been upsetting in that way.I have never had a stand-up fight with Tom Rothman. Never, ever in all his time with me — never. And that is a fact. It’s quite upsetting to see how these things spiral,” Hood told THR . “When he and I are in a room together debating, he’s a very forceful personality — Tom Rothman — and I’m a fairly forceful personality. Did we discuss and debate what stylistically I was going to bring to the movie, and his expectations and mine? Of course. Of course you do that. And I hope it makes the movie better.”

I can’t dispute Hood’s claims, but I find it hard to believe, especially considering that the rumors came from varried sources in different outlets. And we’ve seen these kind of power struggles between directors and studios in the past, and it always usually ends with both sides downplaying the reports to the media as the film is getting ready to hit theaters. But the bottom line is that Hood returned to helm the reshoots without studio interference.

Mickey Rourke Steps Into the Ring at WrestleMania 25

mickey rourke wwe wrestlemania 25

The Wrestler star Mickey Rourke did in fact show up at WWE WresltMania 25, and was in the audience during Chris Jericho’s handicap match against WWE Hall of Famers Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. After defeating all three of his opponents, Jericho challenged Rourke to come into the ring. And as expected, Rourke stepped over the guard rail, climbed into the squared circle, and laid a few punches on the WWE star.

It’s unlikely that this will progress into a match that pits Jericho vs. Rourke as Mickey is set to go into production on Iron Man 2 and the production insurance won’t allow him to compete in a full wrestling match. Photos above courtesy of WWE. Thanks to /Film reader Jason G for the tip.

Ceas pentru spioni si nu numai ...

Indiferent cum te cheama, James Bond sau Marian din Rahova, amandoi aveti nevoie in situatii speciale de camere video spion fie pentru a filma un functionar cu prea mult zel, un profesor prea sever sau pur si simplu pentru amuzament.

Ei bine, gadgetul aceastei saptamani vine de la compania japoneza OTAS – care a prezentat publicului o camera video de supraveghere sub forma unui ceas de mana.

Cameara video integrata discret in cadranul ceasului poate inregistra filme cu extensia AVI la rezolutia de 352 x 288 pixeli. Pentru stocarea fisierelor a fost alocata o memorie de 8 Gb, suficienta pentru aprox 80 de min de film.

OTAS Spy Camera Watch vine in pachet cu cablu special USB si softul necesar descarcarii pe computer. Cei care au nevoie asa ceva, vor trebui sa scoata din buzunar in jur de 300-320 lei, echivalentul a 70 de eur.

Noua linie Sanyo Xacti 2009

Sanyo lanseaza saptamana aceasta in SUA noua linie de camere video Xacti 2009. Aceasta include modelele VPC-FH1, VPC-WH1, VPC-TH1 si VPC-CG10. Toate aceste modele au functie dubla de camera video si camera foto.

Sanyo Xacti VPC-FH1 are rezolutie Full HD (1920x1080p si 60 cadre/sec) pe partea de video si 8 mpx cu senzor CMOS pe partea de foto. Zoom-ul optic ajunge pana la 16x asistat de un stabilizator de imagine.

Cel de-al 2-lea model prezentat, VPC-WH1 are o alura mai sportiva in sensul ca este realizat dintr-o carcasa special proiectata sa reziste la apa pana la o adancime de 3m. Vine cu senzor de 2mpx si zoom optic de 30x.

Modelul Xacti VPC-TH1 este ceva mai ponderat la dotari, cu rezolutie HD, senzor CMOS de 2 mpx si zoom optic 30x.

Ultimul model prezentat este VPC-CG10 prezentat intr-o carcasa deja etalon pentru marca Sanyo, compacta si usor de manuit. CG10 are senzor de 10mpx, zoom 5 x si stabilizator de imagine.

Merita mentionat ca toate camerele din aceasta serie filmeaza in format divx comprimat H.264 si permit recunoasterea chipurilor umane gratie tehnologiei Face Chaser (un fel de Face Detection).

Preturile, pentru ca stiam ca ma veti intreba:
• Sanyo Xacti VPC-FH1: $499.99
• Sanyo Xacti VPC-WH1: $399.99
• Sanyo Xacti VPC-TH1: $269.99
• Sanyo Xacti VPC-CG10: $199.99