miercuri, 18 iunie 2008

Cool Stuff: LEGO Wall-E

Cool Stuff: LEGO Wall-E

Joe Meno, editor of the BrickJournal magazine, created this cute LEGO version of Pixar’s Wall-E

“A few months ago, I decided to build Wall-E, from the Disney movie that is just around the corner. Meant for a display in July, I finally was able to focus on the model and build it within three weeks - with lots of down time.”

Cool Stuff: LEGO Wall-E

“Wall-E uses 2 Power functions IR controllers, so he can move and move his neck up and down. Also, his arms are on ball joints, so while not motorized, they can be posed. A mount is on the side for the arms to rest, but can be replaced with grill plates to be more accurate.”

Cool Stuff: LEGO Wall-E

Check out more photos of Meno’s LEGO WALL-E on Flickr.

Cool Stuff is a daily feature of slashfilm.com. Know of any geekarific creations or cool products which should be featured on Cool Stuff?

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